Application for admission shall in all cases be considered by the Principal.
The scholastic year begins in April and terminates in March.
School Rules
01On class days and School functions the children are expected to wear the uniform prescribed for the season.
02Any kind of damage within the School premises must be made good by the one who does it.
033. Cardigans, books, tiffin boxes etc. should bear the name of the owner. The School is not responsible for stationery, books etc. that get lost.
044. The student should not wear ornaments or jewellery of any kind in the School.
055. The School will not be responsible if children are found missing after the School hours. Parents are requested to instruct their children not to go to the homes of friends and relations without their permission.
06Change of residence should be notified to the School.
07Parents may engage the teachers of the institution for private tuition only after due permission of the Principal is obtained. Requests for tuitions may not be considered after the month of December.
08No collection for any purpose whatsoever, is to be started in the School, and, no meeting, demonstration, party or picnic may be held without the previous sanction of the Principal.
09All the students are expected to speak English in School.
10Students are responsible to the School authorities for their conduct both in and outside School. Hence misbehavior in public streets and conveyances justifies dismissal. Any reported or observed objectionable conduct is liable to disciplinary action.
11Personal cleanliness and hygiene are expected from all. To this effect students should possess more than one uniform each.
12All should be particularly careful not be throw paper, plastic bags etc; anywhere in the School premises. They should use the bins specially provided for this purpose.
13Parents and guardians will bear the responsibility for the good conduct, home studies and regular attendance of their wards. The principal reserves the right to or not to retain such pupils who act otherwise than conforming to the School ideals in and outside School. Insubordination, contempt of authority, harmful conduct, irregular attendance, leaving the School premises without permission, lack of punctuality, unsatisfactory progress in studies, dishonesty etc., are sufficient reasons for removing a student from the School rolls..